All new athletes will need to go through an evaluation with Caleb Hernday or Phil Davies before registering for a specific program. To schedule an evaluation, please click the link at the bottom of this page or click HERE.
Thank you for considering the Schroeder Swim Team. We are looking forward to getting to know you and your family better and helping you to either get started in competitive swimming or raise your swimming to a higher level at the Walter Schroeder Aquatic Center and Ramirez Aquatic Center.
You are joining the best youth-serving organization in the Milwaukee metro area. Schroeder’s culture is strong and getting stronger. All of our athletes are challenged to work very hard and engage during training sessions regardless of swimming speed. Additionally, each will be challenged to relate the lessons in the pool to future challenges they will encounter in school and life. Practical mental skills, simple core values to live by, challenges outside the pool and exposure to acclaimed programming are all part of each athlete’s experience.
Our facilities are the finest in Wisconsin. We boast an expert staff that is stable, caring and led by a team of full time coaches. Our coach to athlete ratio is low and our swimmers have prime training times between 3:30 PM and 7:30 PM. The Schroeder YMCA Swim Team is focused on quality. Schroeder’s athletes enjoy training without compromise and our team is coach-led and athlete-centered. The team’s mission is performance excellence and to fully prepare our athletes for college participation and for life.
These factors, plus hard work on the part of our families and staff, make the Schroeder YMCA Swim Team one of the best in the country. Our athletes improve at a faster rate and remain in the sport longer. For these reasons, area athletes turn to the Schroeder YMCA Swim Team to accelerate their improvement or rejuvenate a stagnant career.
Our team is also fully committed to following the Safe Sport procedures implemented by USA Swimming, and recognize athlete safety as our top priority. Our staff is dedicated to creating a safe and supportive environment for our members.
Our goal for you or your swimmer is to have each athlete enjoy a long career of sustained performance improvement and to enjoy a positive sporting experience.
If you would like more information regarding the programs we offer and what they each entail, please click the Program Description Button below.