Athletes Planning to swim with their High School Team


An explanation of fees for girls and boys planning to swim primariliy with their school team.
Some Schroeder swimmers choose to particpate with their school team and get the majority of thier training with the high school.  Schroeder athletes are in a year round program, able to train with us whenever they choose in the fall for girls and winter for boys for $40 a month.
Athletes may race up to 2 times with Schroeder during their high school season. For the girls, August is charged fully.  That is based on the idea that we have a year round price and divide it by 12 versus having a very expensive one time price per session.  August is charged fully and November not charged at all although kids come back in early November.  Similarly for the boys, November is fully charged and is restarted in March.
Please email Beth Hartlieb if you intend to swim with your school team so we can change your billing for September.
For Girls:
August: fully charged
Sept, Oct, Nov: $40 per month 
Dec - back to full price
For Boys: 
November: fully charged
Dec, Jan, Feb: $40 per month
March - back to full price